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Preferred library: Glenwood and Souris Regional Library? Results 1 - 10 of 10 (page 1 of 1)
Desert rats. Remembered by Charles L. Camp.
Journal and letters from the mines: Mokelumne Hill, Jackson, Volcano and San Francisco, 1851-1865.
James Clyman, frontiersman; the adventures of a trapper and covered-wagon emigrant as told in his own reminiscences and diaries.  Edited by Charles L. Camp.
The Plains and the Rockies; a bibliography of original narratives of travel and adventure, 1800-1865, rev. by Charles L. Camp.
Essays for Henry R. Wagner, by Charles L. Camp [and others]
James Clyman, American frontiersman, 1792-1881; the adventures of a trapper and covered-wagon emigrant as told in his own reminiscences and diaries,
Narrative of a cruize in the Pacific to South America and California on the U.S. sloop-of-war Dale, 1841-1843. Edited by Charles L. Camp.
Henry R. Wagner's The plains and the Rockies; a bibliography of original narratives of travel and adventure, 1800-1865, revised and extended by Charles L. Camp.
The Plains & the Rockies : a critical bibliography of exploration, adventure, and travel in the American West, 1800-1865 / Henry R. Wagner & Charles L. Camp. --
George C. Yount and his chronicles of the West, comprising extracts from his "Memoirs" and from the Orange Clark "Narrative." Edited by Charles L. Camp.

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